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Veterans Are Increasingly Protesting the VA’s Prohibition of Medicinal Cannabis


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April 03, 2022

Two weeks ago, on March 14, a volunteer group calling itself the Veterans Action Council (VAC) asked Attorney General Merrick Garland to remove cannabis from the federal government’s Schedule I and II lists of controlled substances. Their mission: to enable vets to benefit from the plant’s medicinal properties.

“Removing cannabis from schedule 1 & 2 will solve many serious issues facing Americans,” the Council wrote. Among the serious issues it cited — which may not be widely known – are veterans being kicked out of federal housing or removed from transplant lists.

Then there’s the issue of suicide, a major problem among returning veterans, for whom the Veterans Administration (VA) estimated 6,261 veteran suicide deaths in 2021.

… This is the kind of information that compels Tim Tofaute to speak up for veterans using cannabis. He’s security and operations director for California-based Operational Security Solutions, which among other tasks performs “cash in transit” assignments for dispensaries. He’s also a former ten-year Navy Seal and government intelligence contractor who has seen and experienced plenty of physical trauma.

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